Monday, June 28, 2010


Went to the ocean for the weekend to stay at a motel that is owned by a friend of my dad. He goes there every once in awhile so he talks about them but I hadn't met them before (well I did, but I don't remember them.)
They seem to be really cool people and have huuuge parties. We went to one (which was fairly small and calm by their standards) and I amused myself by watching the drunk people sing karaoke. They're having another one the day after the 4th of July to celebrate all of the tourists leaving and I was invited back so even though we just got home from there today, I'm heading back there without my parents on saturday so I can hang out, watch fireworks, and go to their party. This party is supposed to be a lot bigger so it should be interesting.
I worked on some embroidery of sorts over the weekend. I say "of sorts" because I haven't embroidered before and was basically BSing my way through it. It's for the Mini QT swap group on flickr (or I should say the Bitty Block Committee now that's it's been put in it's own group.) I finished an example of one but I don't have a picture of it right now so I'll post it tomorrow. It's of a sunset with a sky made of batiks, dark blue water, and then the sand. I embroidered the sun and rays going out from it. I also bought little crab and shell beads that I'll let people choose between.
So yea, picture of the block tomorrow. Probably a picture of my tattoo as well considering I have an appointment to get my 3rd tattoo at 12:30pm tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

completely random but I felt like writing about it somewhere

I went to the dentist today and got my favorite dental hygenist. He's adorable, and has the same sense of humor I do so I actually look forward a little bit to going to the dentist because there's the chance I'll get him. Too bad he's married and 9 years older than me! (which I wouldn't care about that age difference if I was older but when it's a 20 and a 29 year old that's a BIG difference!)
Anyway, he said as I was sitting down in the chair "This is the last time you'll see me" because he's going back to school so he can be an actual dentist. So I'm sad. He'll go off, get whatever degree he needs to, become a dentist, and become a bunch of people's favorite dentist ever. I'm sure of that.
Now I'm wondering whether or not he's leaving like really soon or if there's a chance I'll see him when I go back in three weeks to get my night gaurd...

Now, it's 1:18am and I am off to go up to my room and make my 3.5" blocks for the Mini QT group on flickr. They're simple, but I like them anyway. I'm not completely sure if they fit the theme... but I'm making them anyway. It may be a bit of a stretch but everyone else took all my good ideas since I waited so long! This month's theme is BBQ/Picnic. I'm using a focus fabric of trees with fruit on them and framing them with another fabric... They can be the scenery at the picnic, and you could even pick the fruit off of them to eat at your picnic, so that's my reasoning to make them fit the theme.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Front 2, MT Swap, May 2010
Originally uploaded by Pat Deck
This quilt is absolutely gorgeousssssss!!! I just found it on flickr and I'm in love. White background, bright colors for the stars... the white pieces in the points of the stars makes it different and fantastic. And I love the little squares around the edges. Lovelove LOVE

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I have my partner for DQS9! I'm excited and have an idea already. We'll just have to wait and see where this goes.

Hi to whoever got me! I'm sure I'll wonder every once in awhile while I'm working on the quilt for my partner, about who got me and what they're doing... I'll make sure to post here and on flickr every once in awhile so you have some stalking material. :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

DQS9 mosaic

DQS9 mosaic
Originally uploaded by behindyoureyes
I'm really liking whites and brights lately. and apparently circles, hexagons, and more. That narwhal quilt is super adorable. The two daisy ones are more art quilts which I'm totally not expecting but I like them anyway so I thought I'd stick them in there. #35 I really like that pattern. #36 is awesome with it's stained glass effect. Anyway, whites&brights whites&brights whites&brights

Saturday, June 5, 2010

6/5/10 - 1

6/5/10 - 1
Originally uploaded by behindyoureyes
pictures I took in my backyard today. It's actually up to 70 degrees FINALLY. It feels like June, as it should. It's been raining and ridiculous lately but now it feels like summerrrrrrrrr! I hope it stays this way.

6/5/10 - 2

6/5/10 - 2
Originally uploaded by behindyoureyes

6/5/10 - 3

6/5/10 - 3
Originally uploaded by behindyoureyes

This quilt is all sorts of fantastic

Found it here

It uses the half hexagon technique so you don't have to hand piece anything which is always a plus for me. Lots of little pieces though... Love how it's all rainbow and then goes into the black and white.

I might have to make something like it